Year 1 - Owls

Welcome to Owls Class!

Teacher : Mr Jonnie Seddon
LSA : Mrs Dracott and Mrs McPhee


Curriculum Newsletters

Autumn 1 Newsletter


Guide to Grammar in Year 1

Year One – Grammar and Punctuation

Home Learning

Owls - Spring 2 Learning

Reading in Key Stage 1

Reading at Mytchett Primary School

Reading with your child – How To Say The Sounds Of Letters In Synthetic Phonics


Phonics is how children learn to read and write. This is why it is really important to read with your child every day. Want to read more? Use your child’s log in to Bug Club to access more books! Don’t forget to talk about what you read with your child.
In the summer term of Year 1 all children will sit a phonics screening assessment. This is where children are assessed on their phonic knowledge again 20 real and 20 nonsense words. Keep practising the flashcards at home with your children.

Quick Guide for parents – Phonics Screening – Jan 2019

home made screening words 1

home made screening words 2

home made screening words 3

home made screening words 4


During Year 1, children will develop their cursive handwriting. We say ‘start on the line and you’ll be fine’ Please encourage your child to form all of their lower case letters this way. Why not draw letters in snow, sand or playdough… We love doing rainbow writing!

Handwriting Practice

rainbow writing

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